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Descendants of Daniel Green


1. Daniel Green

According to family history, members of this Green family were earlysettlers in Stafford County, Virginia. However, due to the destruction ofmany county records nothing has been found of the generations beforeDaniel Green.

In 1776, Daniel Green moved his family to Halifax County, NC. In Octoberof that year he purchased 280 acres from William and Elizabeth Branch for10 pounds Virginia money (Halifax Co., NC DB-9, p. 364). This land wasadjacent to the lands of Edward Robinson, William Jones and others. The1782 tax list for District No. 2, Halifax Co., N. C. shows Daniel Greenbeing taxed on 320 acres and not owning any slaves. On November 15,1794, Daniel Green gave his son George Green 82 acres "on the North sideof the road". Three days later gave his son Philip Green the land thatlay on the South side (Halifax Co. NC DB-17, p. 684, 701). Another deedfrom Daniel Green to his son George, proved in the May 1795 term ofcourt, gave him all the property "I now possess since the late divisionwith my children." Sarah (Foxworth) Green had died by this time (HalifaxCo. NC DB-17, p. 798).

In the census of District 2 of Halifax County, taken by on February 11,1786 by Francis Jones, Daniel Green is listed in a household of 1 malebetween 21-60, two males either under 21 or over 60, three white femalesand one slave less then 10 or over 50. He was in the 1790 Halifax Countycensus with a household of two males over 16 and two females, no slaves.He died sometime before 1800 as he was not on the tax list for that year.

5. Philip Green

Philip Green sold the land, given to him by his father on November 16,1776, to his brother, George, by a deed dated August 24, 1795 ( HalifaxCo., NC DB-17, p. 850).