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Descendants of Daniel Green


4. George Green , Sr.

George Green was born in Stafford County, Virginia in 1758, the son ofDaniel Green and Sarah Foxworthy, and came with his family to HalifaxCounty, North Carolina before the Revolution.

During the Revolution, he served as a private under Captain Paynter andColonel Long in a North Carolina Regiment and participated in the battesof Guilford Courthouse and of Camden. Beginning March 4, 1831, at age75, he was awarded an annual pension of $79.98 for his war service.

On November 15, 1794, Daniel Green gave his son George Green 82 acres"on the North side of the road". Three days later gave his son PhilipGreen the 203 acres that lay on the South side (Halifax Co. NC DB-17, p.684, 701). Another deed from Daniel Green to his son George, proved inthe May 1795 term of court, gave him all the property "I now possesssince the late division with my children." Sarah (Foxworthy) Green haddied by this time (Halifax Co. NC DB-17, p. 798). George Green keptadding to the land given to him by his father. He bought 34 1/2 acresfor 34 pounds from William Burt, an adjoining landowner, on April 18,1791 (Halifax CoNC DB-17, p. 324). On November 10, 1798, he paidBenjamin Partin $80 for 80 acres of adjoining land. Records show that onDecember 23, 1801,Thomas Willey sold to George Green for $350 a Negrowoman named Jin and her child about 26 years old (Halifax Co NC DB-19, p.49). Another land purchase was made on March 17, 1808, when he paid for$40 for twenty acres owned by the estate of William Burt (Halifax Co. NCDB-21, p. 184).

On March 26, 1842, he gave an acre of land to trustees of the MethodistChurch which is the site where the Ebeneezer Church now stands (HalifaxCo., NC DB-31, p. 220). The trustees were Redding Neville, Henry W.Gary, James Browning, George Green, Jr., Elisha Green, P. H. Neville andBenjamin Browning. The land where this church is located is the oldestsite of continous worship in Halifax County, North Carolina (EarlyHistory of Ebeneezer United Methodist Church by William M. Mann, Jr.,Sep. 30, 1991). Land records show that an Anglican Chapel existed on thesite as early as 1762. In 1766, Daniel Green bought 280 acres fromWilliam Branch which included the land on which the Ebeneezer Church islocated. In 1794 Daniel deeded the land in two portions to his sonsGeorge and Phillip Green and a year later Phillip sold his share toGeorge.

George Green, Sr. made his will on November 28, 1843, witnessed by JamesBrowning and Willis R. Johnston (Halifax Co. NC WB-3, p. 266). He namedas executors Elisha Pittman Green, his son by Mary Pittman his secondwife, and "his friend" James D. Perkins. In the February 1848 term ofcourt, Elisha Pittman Green came into court and qualified as the executorof his will. One item in the will seems a bit odd on the surface; heleft to his son Jesse Green 120 acres of land that he, Jesse, received athis marriage. However, Jesse died sometime before December 12, 1826because his widow, Sarah Shearin Green, remarried on that date. However,the land Jesse received from his father was conditional on his notselling it during George Green's lifetime. It appears that thisprovision was included in the will to remove any cloud on the title.

In the Febraury 1849 session of court, James Browning joined ElishaPittman Green in qualifying as an executor of the will (Halifax Co., NCWB-4, p. 272).

He is buried in the George Green Cemetery located 1/4 mile NE of NC 9031/2 mile east of its' intersection with NC 48 west of Halifax - in theedge of a field. There is a Revolutionary War marker on his grave withthe inscription 1758-1848.

Mary Pittman

Mary Pittman was a daughter of Elisha Pittman. Another daughter wasTemperance Pittman who married Jesse Hillman, grandfather of ElijahHillman Green.

In his will, George Green, Sr. left his second wife, Mary Pittman, a lifeestate in 233 acres lying on the north side of the road "where I nowlive" with reversion to their son Elisha Pittman Green.