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Descendants of Daniel Green


210. John Thomas Green

John Thomas Green was County Judge of Clark County, Arkansas from 1916until 1921. Later, he became a justice of the peace. He and Lucy Greenwere the parents of fifteen children, six of whom died in infancy.

A family history of the John Thomas Green family written by ErnestineGreen Reynolds states:

"Most of the Green children married and lived along the roads of thethriving Joan community, called Bethlehem at that time. Neal went toLittle Rock to live and worked for the telephoine company. 'Lizzie' movedto Malvern with her daughter, Louise Williams Trichell. Six brothersremained in the community, raising their families, sharing farm work whenthe need arose, cutting each other's hair on Sunday mornings beforechurch, and in general, living good lives."

214. Sarah Rebecca Daniel

After the death of her father, Sarah Rebecca Daniel was raised by hergrandfather Elijah H. Green.

Sarah Daniel Caddy was called "Sally" and ran the family farm while herhusband worked as a blacksmith. She was noted for being an excellentgardener - especially for her fruits.

George Wellington Caddy , Jr.

George Wellington Caddy, Jr. was born on a ship traveling from London,England to North Carolina. During the Civil War he was in the 24thRegiment of the Minnesota Cavalry and was discharged on April 28, 1866.Shortly after they married in Mexia, Texas, George and Sarah Caddyreturned to her home in Tulip, Arkansas where they settled on 172 acresand they built their own house.

He died of a heart attack at his home at the age of 54. The Rev, J. E.Caldwell preached at his funeral. He is buried in the Tulip Cemetery.

215. Edwin Elijah Daniel

In 1907, the Daniel family moved to California where he worked in avariety of jobs until they bought a gold mine in Caliente near LakeIsabella. Edwin worked the mine while his family remained at home inFresno. After his death in 1914 from a cerebral hemorrhage, Sarah McCannDaniel took over management of the mine. She did so until she was elderlyand then gave the mine to their daughter, Ruby Mae Daniel Lawyer.

294. Herbert Godfrey Daniel

Herbert Daniel died as a teenager.

Bennett Nix

Bennett Nix died of poisoning.

220. Milton Absolom Looney

He is buried at the Macedonia Cemetery, Dallas County, Arkansas.

226. Cornelius Caldwell Green Rev.

Cornelius Caldwell Green received a ninth grade education at the FordyceTraining School, Fordyce, Arkansas. Like most members of the early Greenand Taylor families in Dallas County, he was a Methodist. He became acircuit riding minister and began preaching in 1903 on the TraskwoodCircuit.

He and his wife are buried in the Bellwood Cemetery, Pine Bluff, Arkansas.

310. William Gordon Green

William Green was a veteran of WWII. He and his wife are buried in theRiverside National Cemetery, Riverside, California.

228. Elijah Neville Green

Elijah Neville Green died in an automobile accident between El Dorado andSmackover, Arkansas. He was thrown from his car and his neck broken whenhe hit a drainage culvert. He is buried in an unmarked grave at theTulip Cemetery.

229. Mattie Laura Frances Green

Laura Green Wilson was called "Little Mama" by some of the Green family.Her marriage ceremony to Coleman Wilson was performed by the Rev. J. E.Caldwell in Tulip at a cost of $3.00 to the groom.

Coleman James Wilson

Coleman Wilson's father died when he was only eight years old. Hismother then took her son and moved to Dallas County, Arkansas where anumber of other former residents of Granville County, North Carolinalived.

Coleman, called "Colie", owned a farm and a general store in DallasCounty, Arkansas and was a prosperous man for the times. He died onMarch 9, 1932, committing suicide by swallowing rat poison. Some of hisdecendents think that he did so because he lost all of his money in adepression era bank failure. Others, however, say that he did so becausehe was in bad health, had severe headaches and that, rather than beingbroke, he left his family well off financially. In any case, after hisdeath his widow and their youngest son, Jewell, were the only ones leftto run the farm. So, she and Jewell moved to Marianna, Arkansas to joinother sons already there.

319. Cornelia Virginia Wilson

She is buried in the Marianna Memorial Cemetery.