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274. Myrtle Alice Green
She and her husband are buried in the Shadow Lawn Cemetery in Malvern,Arkansas.
279. Joseph Daniel Caddy
Joseph Caddy and Malinda Yeargin were married by the Rev. J. E.Caldwell. He is buried in the Tulip Cemetery.
She is buried in the Tulip Cemetery with her two husbands.
281. William Sims Caddy
William Sims Caddy is buried in the Tulip Cemetery.
282. Minnie Belle Caddy
Minnie Caddy and Noah Chandler were married in her parents home by theRev. J. E. Caldwell.
Cornelia Green Abbott was a teacher, an employee of the telephone companyand a sales clerk in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. She was a graduate of theFordyce High School and of the Arkansas State Teachers College at Conway,Arkansas.
308. Mary Frances Green
Mary Green Smith was cafeteria manager in the Pine Bluff public schoolsystem.
Fagan Smith worked as production manager of the Coca - Cola bottlingplant in Pine Bluff, Arkansas for many years. He was active in Boy Scoutmatters.