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Descendants of Daniel Green


491. Mabel Loraine Dedman

Mabel Dedman Butt was a teacher and a homemaker. Following her graduationfrom Hendrix College, Conway, Arkansas in1938 she taught school in HotSprings, St. Charles and Camden. After raising three children, shereturned to the classroom in 1867 to become the first white teacher inthe all-black North Side Elementary School in Camden during thedesegration era. She was an active member of the First United MethodistChurch of Camden and sang in the choir for many years.

She and her husband, thinking they were unable to have children, adoptedRichard and Martha. Several years later, much to their surprise, shebecame the mother of Mary Susan.

Richard Wilson Butt

Richard Butt had an insurance agency in Camden, Arkansas. In his elderyears he had a serious stroke and has been bedridden for several years.

492. John Lemuel Dedman , Jr.

J. L. Dedman, Jr. (J. L.) was a doctor in Camden, Arkansas. He had threesons, all of whom became doctors, and a daughter, Julia (Mrs. RalphJoseph) who is married to a doctor.

494. Conrad Hughes Jones

Conrad Hughes Jones - the middle name came from the youngest Taylorbrother, Curtis Hughes - left high school in 1943 while in the 11thgrade to work in the Kaiser shipyard in Portland, Oregon. He soonenlisted in the Army and, due to the outbreak of the Battle of the Bulgein late 1944, his basic training was cut short and he was shipped out tojoin the 69th Infantry Division in the battle zone. After the war wasover, he stayed in Germany with the occupation forces until 1946 when hereturned to Arkansas.

He finished high school at Sheridan, Arkansas and went on to HendersonState Teachers College in Arkadelphia. After graduating, he firsttaught at Bodcaw, Arkansas before taking a teaching job in New Mexico.There he met and married Josephine Klier, also a school teacher. Theylater moved to Sierra Vista, Arizona where both taught at a school on anArmy base. After Conrad and Jo divorced in the late 1960s, he returnedto Arkansas and, after trying his hand at a number of jobs, ended upworking for the Arkansas state government. There he met Harriet Runyonwho became his second wife.

In the mid 1970s, he developed lung cancer from smoking and died in theVeterans Administration Hospital in Little Rock on December 10, 1976.