Mingay History Web Pages (MHWP)




Jack Mingay

The following pages are packed with info collected by the late Jack Mingay. Parts 1 thru 9 are all his work, (apart from putting it on the web). 

I had a great respect for him and his work, and have therefore made as few changes as possible.  Please read it for yourselves and add any info you can, it is always gratefully received.


Jack 1  Jack 2 Jack 3  Jack 4 Jack 5 Jack 6 Jack 7 Jack 8 Jack 9 James Mingay K.C.


In addition much of Jack's information was gleaned from Trevor Hearve Mingay to which Jack and the rest of us have added information to.


Trevors' History Summary Note


Also Trevor produced a family tree 

Trevors' Tree

Further works by Jack

Timeline Alnwick Rollo