Mingay History Web Pages (MHWP)





Mingay History Part 4


This is about Edward 1st King of England (1272 to 1307) born I7 June 1239, Westminster. Died July 7 1307 @ Burgh by Sands, near Carlisle Cumberland. Son of Henry 3rd, who was son and heir of King John, byname Lackland, who was the son of Henry 2nd and Elanor of Aquitaine. John was the youngest son, Henry the 2nd was the son of Henry 1st who died 1135 and the 3rd son of William the Conqueror.

Note from Forum: jeancothran@cs.com

Hi I have enjoyed reading the interesting information on this website. However, if I am not mistaken, involving the early kings of England, Henry 11 was not the son of Henry 1. He was the son of Empress Maud/Matilda and Geoffrey of Anjou. The Empress and King Stephen fought for the throne for many years during the 12th century, Stephen finally got the throne, and after his son died, he agreed that Henry, the son of Maud and Geoffrey would follow him. Which he did, as Henry 11.

Thanks Jean you are quite correct

It was Edward the 1st and Edward 3rd, both King of England that the Mingay family married into.

Edward 3rd,byname Edward of Windsor, born 13 Nov 1312 Windsor, died 21 June 1377. King of England (1327 to1377, he married Philippa at York 24 Jan 1328. Edward was the son of Isabella who married Edward 2nd,son of Edward 1st, who was son of Henry 3rd. Isabella was the daughter of Philip 4th who died in 1314, the son of Phillip 3rd of France, who died 1285.byname Philip the Bold. Born 3rd April 1245 @ Poissy, King of France (1270 to 1285) he was the son of Louis 9th of France, who became King of France (1226 to 1270).

Edward 1st (Longshanks) had 3 sons and 5 daughters from 1st wife Elanor of Castille, and 2 sons and 1 daughter from 2nd wife. Eleanor was half sister of Alfonso 10th of Leon and Castile; they married at Las Huelgas in Spain.

Edward 3rd (Edward of Windsor) had 6 sons and 5 daughters, from Philippa of Hainault, the daughter of William Count of Hainault and Holland. At the age of 15 he was crowned King of England, 29 Jan 1327. His mother Isabella and Roger Mortimer, who was an influential Baron, who had escaped to France in 1323, and had become her lover, after Edward 3rd married in 1328. He made a successful effort to throw off his degrading dependence on his mother and Mortimore. While a council was being held at Nottingham, he entered the Castle by night, trough a subterranean passage took Mortimer prisoner, and had him executed November 1330.

I had trouble trying to find out about John of Gaunt, William Bouschier, Earl of Apex (or Sussex).

In the History of Edward 3rd, I found this:-

When the French King Charles 5th, son of John 2nd repudiated the Treaty of Calais, Edward resumed the title of King of France but he showed little of his former vigour in meeting this new trouble. Leaving most of the fighting and the administration of his foreign territories to his sons Edward, and John of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster, John of Gaunt’s march through France from Calais to Bordeaux 1373 achieved nothing. He became the leader of sharply divided parties in the French royal court and council. He then returned to England in April 1374, with the help of Alice Perrers obtained the chief influence with his father, but his administration was neither honourable nor successful, John of Gaunt regained power when his father died in 1377. John of Gaunt married 1st Blanche of Lancaster, who had Henry 4th Lancaster who died in 1413.

Henry 5th Lancaster died in1421, married 2nd Costanza of Castile, she died 1394. Henry 6th who died 1471, married 3rd Catherine Swynford, John Beaufort 1st son Illegitimate born 1373 died 1410,1st Earl of Somerset.2nd son John born 1403 died 1444 1st Duke of Somerset 1419.3rd son Henry died 1447,all declared illegitimate by Edward 2nd. It must have been in the time of John of Gaunt that Henry Mingo, was recorded as being Freeman of Norwich.

The next line of the intermarriage comes from William the Conqueror, who had the 3rd son Henry 1st, who married Matiida, the daughter of Malcolm 3rd of Canmore and his 2nd wife Margaret daughter of Edward Atheling. His 1st wife was Ingiborg of Norway, and the granddaughter of Richard 1st Duke of Normandy. Henry 1st who was King of England 1154 to 1189 had a daughter, Matilda Lady of England, born 1133 died Le Mans Maine 1189. Was Duke of Normandy (from 1150) Count of Anjou (from 1151) Duke of Aquitaine (from 1154) he married Elanor of Aquitaine, who recently divorced from King Louis 7th of France, who brought with her hand the Lordship of Aquitaine. Henry invaded England in 1153,and King Stephen, agreed to accept him as coadjator and heir to the crown 1154.

Henry 2nd was followed by his sons, Richard 1st born 1157, King of England (1189-1199) and John, byname Lackland, the youngest son of Henry 2nd, King of England (1199—1216). It was this son, who his father looked on as his favourite, and the one he named John Lackland) he married the daughter of Humbert 3rd Count of Maurienne (Savoy) after Richards death 1199.

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John was invested as Duke of Normandy, and in May crowned King of England, his first wife was Isabella of Gloucester, who was never crowned, and in 1199 the marriage was dissolved on grounds of consanguinity, (related by birth), both being great—grand—children of Henry 1st.

He then according to the records married Isabella August 1200, the heiress to Angouleme, who had been betrothed to Hugh 9th de Losignan.

Henry the 3rd was the son of John Lackland, and Isabella who died 1216.

The Mingays by intermarriage, became related to Henry the 3rd.

Born 1st October 1207,at Winchester Hampshire, he was only 9 years old when his father died 1216, he became King of England (1216-1272). He married Eleanor of Provence in 1236. At the time his father died, London and much of Eastern England, were in the hands of Rebel Barons, led by Prince Louis (later King Louis 8th of France). Son of the French King Philip 2nd Augustus, a council of regency presided over by the venerable William Marshal, 1st Earl of Pembroke, was formed to rule for Henry.

By 1217 the rebels had been defeated and Louis was forced to withdraw from England, after Pembroke’s death in 1219, Hubert de Burgh, ran the government until he was dismissed by Henry in 1232.

Two ambitious Frenchmen Peter des Roches, and Peter des Rivaux, then dominated Henrys regime until the Barons brought about their expulsion in 1234.

It was then that events marked the beginning of Henry’s personal rule. He had 4 sons and 2 daughters. In April 1264, Montfort who had emerged as Henry’s major Baronial opponent raised a rebellion The following month he defeated and captured the King and his eldest son, Edward at the Battle of Lewes (14 May 1264) Sussex.

Montfort ruled England in Henry’s name until he was defeated and killed by Edward, at the Battle of Evesham, Worcestershire, in August 1265. Henry weak and senile, then allowed Edward to take charge of the government after the Kings death. Edward ascended the throne as King Edward 1st. byname Longshanks, King of England(1272-1307).

The Mingay’s in the early years must have been, in their ways very harmonious, because they became related to the family of John of Gaunt.

John 4th was born 1340 of Ghent, died 1399 November 1st at Nantes. He was educated at the court of King Edward 3rd of England. John was the 4th son of Edward 3rd. He became Duke of Lancaster (1340-1399) and Earl of Richmond 1342. He was recognized as Duke of Brittany by King Charles 5th of France, in the Treaty of Guerande (April 12th 1365). He married Blanche of Lancaster in 1359 and he succeeded to the Lancaster Estates, by in right of his wife, and was created Duke in 1362.

Named Duke of Aquitaine in 1390 married 2nd Constance of Castille, assuming title of King of Castille in 1372. He married Catherine Swynford 1396. I often thought why was John not given a Royal palace. The answer could be in the following information I found from Richard 3rds History, that gives John of Gaunt as Henry Tudor’s Great, great, grandfather. He says that John had a mistress, Catherine Swynford who was the daughter of a Flemish Herald named Payn Roet, she bore him four children while her husband, Sir Hugh, and Gaunt’s second wife Constance of Castile were both alive. After the demise of their respective spouses Gaunt married her. A protégé of the Duke’s, one Geoffrey Chaucer, had married her sister. Despite the buzz of scandal, Richard 2nd was kind enough to legitimate Gaunt’s bastards by patent and act of Parliament, to bestow upon them the impressive name of Beaufort (derived from the Castle in France where they were born) and to set them on the path to high station.

John the Eldest (1373-1410) was 1st Earl of Somerset, and Marquis of Dorset, and Somerset. John (1403-1444) 1st Duke of Somerset, and in 1443 Earl of Somerset, in 1419 Captain-General in Aquitaine and Normandy in1443.

Henry died in 1447, 2nd son Bishop of Winchester, read law at Aachen. Bishop of Lincoln 1389 and 1391. Buried in Winchester Cathedral, the building of which he completed.

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